The power of choice

***This post was originally written for Linkedin Pulse *** Have you ever felt powerless in life? I have. Sometimes life throws at you unexpected, terrible things and in those occasions, you feel defenceless and at the mercy of forces greater than yourself. This is human. In less extreme situations, though, how many times have you said: " I don't have a choice "? *Raising my hand* In the past, I have heard myself repeating this sentences more times than I'd like to admit. However, lately, I find myself repeating it more out of habit than out of conviction. I am shifting my mindset. This started years ago when I was preparing a presentation for a group of managers and directors on "team performance", to propose some changes within the department. The first slide of my presentation had only one word on it: "CHOICE". My theory was the following: Until every individual in the organisation makes a conscious choice to bring a...