No such thing as a dream job.

What?? But I love my job, it's my vocation, it's fun, I feel like I am not working... There is no such thing, and here's why. For the majority of people, the ideal of a "dream job" is an elusive pursuit. This eternal quest for perfection means that things never feel quite the way we pictured them. Even after smashing that interview and getting that "awesome" job, we soon start to feel inadequate and we kick ourselves because we haven't found our "true calling" and we are wasting life away working 9-5 in an office. Truth is that few are the ones who have a true calling and devote their lives to their passion. Even then, I don't believe these people end up living a stress free, blissful existence. What is the price that they are paying? Are you willing to pay that price to obtain what they have got? If the answer is yes: great, you are on the right path and you have work to do! "One-half of knowing what you want is know...