No such thing as a dream job.


But I love my job, it's my vocation, it's fun, I feel like I am not working...

There is no such thing, and here's why.

For the majority of people, the ideal of a "dream job" is an elusive pursuit. This eternal quest for perfection means that things never feel quite the way we pictured them. Even after smashing that interview and getting that "awesome" job, we soon start to feel inadequate and we kick ourselves because we haven't found our "true calling" and we are wasting life away working 9-5 in an office.

Truth is that few are the ones who have a true calling and devote their lives to their passion. Even then, I don't believe these people end up living a stress free, blissful existence. 

What is the price that they are paying? Are you willing to pay that price to obtain what they have got?

If the answer is yes: great, you are on the right path and you have work to do!

"One-half of knowing what you want is knowing what you must give up before you get it."  -
Sidney Howard

If the answer it's no, that's absolutely fine. It only means that your priorities and your values are different. You need to identify what they are, what they feel like and make peace with the fact that they are probably different from what you'd like them to be... or from what you think society would like them to be for you (does this makes sense??).
My point is... What is a dream job?

I don't believe in people trying to sell you this ideal of a dream job.

I believe in the RIGHT job. For you. At this present moment in time.

I believe in the job that will fulfil your current ambition, calling, lifestyle and financial goal.
A job that is right for you, but that is no dream.

You still have to work hard for it, earn every ounce of success (even more if you are self employed!). You still have to show up and do it, being at a Fortune 100 company, your living room or wherever is required.

A job that will make you smile and a job that will make you moan.

This is because there is no such thing as a dream job: all jobs have their positives and negatives, highs and lows, times where you are in the flow and times when you are stressed.

I am not saying we should all keep jobs that are meaningless to us, but that we should evaluate what our priorities are and what a particular job might be fulfilling.

What does the right job look like?
What will it enable you to achieve?

Why do you do what you do, what is it adding to your life? Is it taking you closer to your goals? If not, where is it taking you, and how does this fit with your overall ambitions? (Sometimes sideways moves or career changes are needed to achieve the big picture).

I believe in the importance of sitting down and evaluating all these aspects before deciding the next step in your career.These are some considerations that I have drawn from experience and I feel like have helped in driving my personal choices:

1) Your life changes, your needs change. Where are you now, which new needs is your current occupation not fulfilling and why?

2) Happiness matters. What aspects of your work make you happy? How can you do more of that?

3) New skills and personal growth are always worth it. What are the strengths and skills you require to achieve what you want to achieve? Do you have them or do you need to acquire them?

If you don't feel you can be objective in assessing your situation, a trusted friend or a coach can help you answer all these questions and draft a plan of action.

As always, please write to me: I'd like your perspective on this!


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